Fox vs Wolves: All Differences Explained - Animallot (2024)

Foxes and wolves are two creatures that are commonly confused with each other. People find it somehow hard to determine if what they’re looking at is a fox or a wolf. Well, to help differentiate one from another, read on from this article and discover all of the differences between foxes and wolves.

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Foxes and Wolves: How Do They Differ?

1. Body Size and Appearance

2. Fur Color

4. Behavior

5. What They Eat

6. How They Hunt

7. How They Communicate

8. Offspring

Questions and answers

Question: Do foxes and wolves belong to the same family?

Question: In a fight between a fox and a wolf, who would probably win?

Question: Can a wolf or a fox be taken as a pet?

Question: What does the fox say?

Question: Do arctic foxes exist?

Question: Do foxes bite humans?

Question: Are foxes and wolves endangered?

Question: Is fox or wolf hunting illegal?

Foxes and Wolves:How Do They Differ?

1. Body Size and Appearance

An adult wolf is generally larger and heavier than an adult fox. A wolf’s weight can reach up to 100 to 150 pounds, while a fox usually weighs less than 20 pounds. Wolves stand taller than foxes. A wolf can reach up to a height of 3 feet. A fox, on the other hand, stands at around 10-15 inches tall. Foxes have a flattened skull, narrow and upward-turned snout, big and upright ears, and slanted eyes. They have short legs and a long, fluffy tail that often has a white tip. Wolves, on the other hand, have a broader snout. They have shorter ears, longer limbs, and less bushy tails compared to a fox.

2. Fur Color

Most species of fox have a reddish-brown coat with some white fur on the chest and the face. But some subspecies appear in a variety of colors, such as white, black, and even grey. They have dark paws and dark markings around their ears and muzzles. Foxes usually shed their dense winter coat during April.

Wolves, however, have dense and coarse guard fur with a long, fluffy coat. They are typically mottled grey. However, some pure white, black, and brown wolves can also be found in the wild. The paws of the wolves get either the same color as their body or in a lighter shade. They do not have dark markings on the muzzle or ears.

3. Habitat

Foxes live in forested areas, mountains, grasslands, and deserts. They dig burrows in the ground, which are called their dens. These dens provide them an area for slumber and food storage. They are also often used as a safe place for their pups.

Wolves can survive in diverse environments, including arctic tundra, woodlands, forests, and deserts. They typically inhabit a vast area in the Northern Hemisphere.

4. Behavior

It is known that wolves work and live in packs. A pack is a group of 6 to 10 wolves who hunt together and comprises an alpha male and female, older offspring, and maybe some pups. This shows that wolves are social creatures. Foxes, on the other hand, are solitary animals. They don’t live in packs. But it does not mean that they’re not responsible parents. When they already have to raise their young, they live in small families called “leash of foxes” in their underground dens.

Fox vs Wolves: All Differences Explained - Animallot (1)

5. What They Eat

Foxes hunt and eat animals that are smaller than them. These include rabbits, small reptiles, and birds. They’re not entirely carnivorous as they also consume fruits and berries. Unlike foxes, wolves are true carnivores. They look for and eat bigger prey, such as goats, deer, sheep, wild boars, etc.

6. How They Hunt

Nocturnal animals like foxes hunt at night and take a rest during the daytime. A solitary fox hunts in a similar way as a cat. It approaches slowly but surely and quietly before it strikes at an effective distance. It pounces and pins its prey before taking the bite. Reportedly, foxes have this magnetic sense, which they use to hunt their prey. They can see the magnetic field of the earth as a ring of shadow. When that shadow and the sound of the prey lines up, it’s time for the fox to pounce.

As mentioned, wolves hunt in packs. They don’t just rely on their fangs and claws to capture their prey. They use teamwork and smart tactics. The pack members may trail a herd of elks, bison, and other larger animals for days before they make their move. While trailing, they observe and determine the behavior and weakness of their target. They often choose prey that is isolated from the herd. They surround that prey, and then they attack.

7. How They Communicate

Foxes can communicate with their kind by growling, barking, and whining calls. They also use facial expressions, body postures, and scent markings to communicate. Wolves, as it is widely known, use their loud howls to call on other wolves. But wolves also bark and whine as forms of communication with each other.

8. Offspring

A female fox, also known as a vixen, can give birth to 4 or 5 babies. In their first two to three weeks, the babies are kept hidden in the dens to receive heat and nutrition from their mother. On their fourth week, they start emerging out from their underground dens to discover the world outside.

A female wolf, however, can have about 4 to 7 offspring. The entire pack helps in caring for the babies. Starting at 10 months of age and beyond, they become members of the pack and hunt their prey. Baby foxes are called kits, while baby wolves are known as pups.

Questions and answers

Question:Do foxes and wolves belong to the same family?

Answer:Yes, both foxes and wolves belong to the Canidae family or the canines. However, the Canidae family is further divided into two genera: theCanisand theVulpes.The wolves belong to the genusCanis, while the foxes belong to the genusVulpes.

Question:In a fight between a fox and a wolf, who would probably win?

Answer:Wolves are much bigger than foxes. They have larger muscular bodies that could mean a stronger power for wolves. Foxes are fast beings. So they could easily get away from wolves when predation is the intention. But if these two are forcefully made to battle against each other, the wolf would probably have a greater chance of winning because of its advantage in size and strength.

Question:Can a wolf or a fox be taken as a pet?

Answer:Among canines, dogs are the best choice for pets. Wolves are not good options to be domesticated as pets. Though wolves are strong and have high energy levels and stamina, they are erratic, difficult to train, and dangerous to kids and other animals. It will need an immense amount of effort to tame a wolf and obtain the same reliability as dogs. Foxes, on the other hand, can be domesticated. A domesticated fox is different from a tame one. A tame fox only learned to tolerate the presence of humans. A domesticated fox is docile towards humans since birth. These foxes are said to be curious and soft-tempered. However, like any other fox, they tend to dig into soils in the garden.

Question:What does the fox say?

Answer:Foxes have not just a single sound but 40 different ones! They can bark, yelp, whine, and even scream. The most startling sound must be its shrill screams.

Question:Do arctic foxes exist?

Answer:Yes. The arctic fox lives in the northernmost areas of the hemisphere. It can survive really cold temperatures. It doesn’t even shiver until -70 degrees Celsius. It has a white coat that camouflages into the ice and snow structures, giving it protection against predators. When the season changes, its fur’s color changes, too. It turns brown or gray, which also camouflages with the rocks of the tundra.

Question:Do foxes bite humans?

Answer:Usually, foxes don’t bite if they don’t sense danger. They only attack if they’re rabid or if they’re protecting their young. Like dog bites, fox bites are painful and could carry infections and several diseases, including rabies. When in an encounter with a fox, make some noise through clapping or wave your arms. Do not approach nor chase the fox as the creature could get provoked, and then, it might retaliate.

Question:Are foxes and wolves endangered?

Answer:Both the red fox and the gray wolf are categorized as “least concern” regarding their conservation status. That status is far less crucial than endangered. Wolves have just been recently removed from the list of endangered species across the United States. However, other foxes (Darwin’s fox and island fox) and wolves (Ethiopian wolf, red wolf, and Mexican gray wolf) are considered endangered.

Question:Is fox or wolf hunting illegal?

Answer:The legalization of hunting wildlife differs in every country. Back in 19th century Britain, the upper classes turned fox hunting into a formal sport. Men use dogs to chase a fox until it is killed. That sport is currently banned. According to the Hunting Act of 2004, fox hunting is not legal in England and Wales. The European Union, Canada, and Russia all impose regulations and restrictions about trapping red foxes. Europe and North America assign hunting and nonhunting seasons for foxes.

For wolves, it’s sad to say that hunters are now allowed to kill nursing wolf mothers and their pups in their dens in Alaska. On June 9, 2020, the National Park Service removed the regulatory provisions that prohibited some hunting practices in the Alaska preserves. In Slovakia, wolves have become endangered because humans are hunting them. Just recently, after years of debate, Slovakia has finally banned wolf hunting in their country.

Fox vs Wolves: All Differences Explained - Animallot (2024)


What are the differences between a wolf and a fox? ›

Size: Wolves are larger than foxes. Habitat: Wolves inhabit more temperate areas, while foxes tend to live in open habitats including urban cities. Foxes may live in Southeast Asia, while wolves are typically not found in Southeast Asia. Social Behavior: Wolves are more social, while foxes are more monogamous.

Who is stronger, a fox or a wolf? ›

Can a fox ever defeat a wolf? In combat, not likely. Except for a fox vs a wolf pup, which usually often guarded. In competition, yes.

What do foxes and wolves have in common? ›

Also just like wolves, foxes live in packs. They were once considered solitary creatures, but with more research, biologists have found they are very social.

What's the difference between a fox tail and a wolf tail? ›

The easiest thing to look for is the size difference between the various species, and the amount of their total body length that is tail. The foxes have REALLY long and bushy tails compared to coyotes and wolves, and are much smaller in size!

What does a fox and a wolf make? ›

Wolves and foxes can't mate. They are two different species, with different amounts of chromosomes, so they can't produce offspring together. Both wolves and foxes are members of the Canidae family, yet can't interbreed. Even if they were to breed, they still wouldn't be able to produce offspring.

Who is more intelligent, a fox or a wolf? ›

Their wild counterparts – the wolf, fox, and coyote, are also smart animals. It is hard to say which of the canines is the most intelligent as each seems to better than the others when performing different tasks.

Can a wolf run faster than a fox? ›

The two species at their current size have pretty similar top speeds, though, with the wolf being just slightly faster, which can exceed 70 km/h. If the fox were put up to wolf size, it might be quite a bit faster than wolf.

Would a fox beat a dog? ›

If you have a large canine, it's not going to be attacked by a fox. It's just too dangerous for a fox to take the risk. But small dogs left unattended could easily become a meal for a hungry fox, even if they're inside of your fenced-in backyard.

Can foxes have babies with wolves? ›

Other members of the wider dog family, Canidae, such as South American canids, true foxes, bat-eared foxes, or raccoon dogs which diverged 7 to 10 million years ago, are less closely related to the wolf-like canids, have fewer chromosomes and cannot hybridize with them.

Are foxes more like wolves or cats? ›

The fox is a member of the Canidae family, which also includes wolves and dogs. They do, however, share several interesting characteristics with cats. Some foxes, for example, have vertical pupils and can climb trees.

Did wolves evolve from foxes? ›

Coyotes (Canis laterns) and wolves (Canis lupus) belong to the same genus and are even able to make fertile hybrids. Foxes (true) belong to a different genus called- Vulpes. All the wolves, coyotes and jackal species had a common ancestor that split from the foxes millions of years ago.

What is a difference between fox and wolf? ›

A wolf is significantly larger compared to a fox; a mature male wolf can grow to be about 3 feet tall, whereas a mature male fox is roughly the size of a medium-sized canine or large cat(Around 1.3 feet). Foxes solely weigh 30 pounds, whereas wolves can weigh up to 150-180 pounds; this is a significant variation.

What is the difference between a fox, coyote, and wolf? ›

Coyotes are significantly smaller than wolves and have a sleeker build, narrower snout, smaller paws and proportionally larger, more pointed ears than those of a wolf. Foxes are smaller than coyotes and have smaller, more pointed snouts.

Why is a GREY fox not a true fox? ›

Grey foxes are not “true foxes”. They are “paraphyletic” foxes. To put it simply, this means they are closely related to foxes but not in the family “Vulpes”. Vulpes is the genus that all true foxes such as Red Fox, Arctic Fox, and Fennec Fox belong to.

Is a fox closer to a dog or wolf? ›

dogs, wolves, and foxes all have a common ancestor. Further evidence shows that dogs are more closely related to wolves than to foxes.

Can wolves look like foxes? ›

The largest canid in South America, the maned wolf looks like a fox, is called a wolf and is closely related to neither. Maned wolves primarily eat small animals, fruits and vegetables.

What is the difference between a fox, wolf, and coyote? ›

Coyotes have a bushy tail with a black tip that usually hangs downward. Coyotes are significantly smaller than wolves and have a sleeker build, narrower snout, smaller paws and proportionally larger, more pointed ears than those of a wolf. Foxes are smaller than coyotes and have smaller, more pointed snouts.

Do wolves and foxes like each other? ›

Wolves and foxes inhabit the same areas, but they prefer not to interact. Their diets don't have much overlap, so they don't compete for a lot of the same resources, but wolves have been known to kill and even eat foxes on occasion. This is relatively rare.

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