17 Different Types of Snails (2024)

Snails are common and widespread animals. Since they are highly adaptable animals, you can find them almost everywhere. Some familiar places we can find snails are fields, gardens, riverbanks, and suburban areas. Snails are mollusks, and they belong to the class Gastropoda. As gastropod mollusks, we can identify specific characteristics they each possess, such as a soft body and a hard shell.

They also have a strong muscular foot, which supports creeping locomotion. Although many people are most familiar with land snails, many different types of snails exist in our world.

You may be surprised to know that over 40,000 snail species exist globally. We have land snails, freshwater snails, and sea snails. Snails fall under specific categories that explain their living and eating patterns. This article will examine some snail species by breaking them into their categories.

Related: Also, check out our selection of the best fish quotes for underwater inspiration and information and facts on land pollution and water pollution for further understanding of the world snails live in and our impact on it.

How Many Types of Snails Are There?

Various research findings provide varying results on the number of snail species out there. However, a recurring number is over 40,000 snail types. They range from large to small species and terrestrial to aquatic. Furthermore, researchers have classified these snail types into three main groups or categories.

These are land snails, sea snails, and freshwater snails. As the names suggest, land snails reside on land, and sea snails reside mainly in seas. Freshwater snails adapt to bodies of freshwater such as rivers, ponds, and lakes.

Regardless of these categorizations, you should keep in mind that some other snail species are amphibians. Therefore, they can adapt to both land and water habitats.

Quick links to the types of snails we've featured below:

  • 1. Giant African Land Snail
  • 2. White Garden Snail
  • 3. Mediterranean Green Snail
  • 4. Garden Snail
  • 5. Roman Snail
  • 6. White Lipped Snail
  • 7. Milk Snail
  • 8. Common Whelk
  • 9. Common Periwinkle
  • 10. Violet Sea Snail
  • 11. Geography Cones
  • 12. Mystery Snail
  • 13. Rabbit Snail
  • 14. Channeled Apple Snail
  • 15. Candy Cane Snail
  • 16. Sea Butterflies
  • 17. Red Nerite Snail

What Are The 3 Types of Snails

This section will examine the three main categories or types of snails.

Land Snails

The land snail is probably the most common snail type that exists. There are various land snail types that we can find in places like gardens and agricultural lands.

Typically, the land snail will feed on decaying plants and leafy vegetables. This snail type has evolved to adapt and transition to life on land.

A common characteristic of these snails is their ability to produce mucus to help them crawl. This substance also keeps their bodies moist. Under this category, we can find the garden snail, giant African land snail, and white garden snail, amongst others. There are many edible species here.

Sea Snails

Sea snails consist of a diverse group of snail species that largely reside in saltwater. Most sea snails possess gills that help them breathe underwater. However, some possess lungs enabling them to breathe.

Many of them can switch between staying in the sea and on land, making them highly adaptable. They come in many shapes, sizes, and beautiful colors. The crown conch and Atlantic moon snail are sea snail examples.

Freshwater Snails

The third category of snails based on habitat is freshwater snails. These gastropod mollusks reside in freshwater bodies. Their habitats include rivers, lakes, and ponds. You can also find freshwater snails in freshwater aquariums. As a result, many people keep them as pets in home aquariums. Apple snails and mystery snails fall under the freshwater snail category.

Types of Land Snails

1. Giant African Land Snail

17 Different Types of Snails (1)

The giant African land snail, or simply the giant African snail, is an invasive species of snail. Apart from the fact that they damage agricultural crops, they also reproduce at high rates.

The giant African snail is the largest land snail species, with an average of 8 inches in length. The Guinness World Records recorded one in 1978, which was 15.5 inches in length. Overall, they are one of the largest snail species in the world.

Originally native to Africa, you can find these snails on almost every continent. Giant African snails sometimes have a light brown shell, while others have a darker shade. Most snails of this type have dark brown stripes.Interestingly, they will sometimes eat snails, but not of the same species.

2. White Garden Snail

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The white garden snail usually resides in sandy coastal regions. You’ll most likely find it in Western Europe and the Mediterranean region.

These snails have an opaque-looking body with ivory yellow shells that curve to the side a bit. Their shells also have brown spiral lines.

Like the giant African snail, the white garden snail is also an invasive creature. They often aggregate in groups, and many people consider them pests. The white garden snail is an edible snail.

3. Mediterranean Green Snail

The Mediterranean green snail, which some people refer to as the green garden snail, is a common snail type. As the name suggests, these snails are native to the Mediterranean region in Europe and also parts of Africa.

Since they’re herbivorous, they eat various types of plants, such as leafy vegetables and cereal crops. Mediterranean green snails can grow up to 5 inches in length.

4. Garden Snail

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Garden snails are native to the Mediterranean region. You’ll also find them in parts of Asia and northern Egypt. This small species can grow up to 1.3 inches in length.

Their shell pattern distinguishes them from other snails. Their shells have a burnt yellow color with dark brown spiral stripes. These snails feed on flowers, bushes, cereal grains, and fruit trees. Due to their diet, they tend to cause a ton of damage to crops on a farm.

5. Roman Snail

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The Roman snail is a popular edible snail. Many people also call it the burgundy snail. Once upon a time, you could only find them in Europe. Today, you can find the burgundy snail in various parts of the world.

The Roman snail’s shell has a cream or light brown color with darker brown bands. They have bulky shells that constitute two-thirds of their body weight. Roman snails enjoy staying in temperate forests with minimal rainfall and humid temperatures.

6. White Lipped Snail

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White lipped snails are medium-sized terrestrial snails. A distinguishing feature they possess is a white band at the top opening of their shells. On their shells, you’ll see around five brown bands. White lipped snails come in various colors; however, the most common ones have yellowish or pinkish hues.

These snails are hermaphrodites and typically live in damp habitats. The white lipped snail eats hogweed, nettles, and ragwort.

7. Milk Snail

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Also known as the Spanish snail, the milk snail is a large type of snail. These terrestrial snails have white or light brown-looking shells with dark textured stripes. These are also edible snails that people include in their diets.

The milk snail is prominent in Europe; however, you’ll also find it in parts of Northern Africa. This type of snail typically feeds on green vegetables, including celery, lettuce, and cabbage.

Types of Sea Snails

8. Common Whelk

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The common whelk is a large snail. Its shell can go up to 3.9 inches high and 2.4 inches wide. Its natural habitat is around coastal areas, and it enjoys staying in sandy seabeds.

This snail’s conical shell comes in various colors. Some can be white, while others are yellow or red-brown. Their shells also have wavy lines that form a pattern. As carnivorous animals, common whelks often eat worms, crustaceans, and other types of mollusks.

9. Common Periwinkle

17 Different Types of Snails (8)

Common periwinkles are small marine snails. Their shells have an oval-looking shape with spiral lines and pointed ends. Their shell colors vary from grey to grey-brown hues. In terms of size, common periwinkles can grow up to around an inch long. You’ll often find them along shorelines or in-between rocks.

These snails can survive on land for several days, and they stay moist by closing their shells. Although small, they are adaptable and can survive in harsh conditions. They often feed on algae.

10. Violet Sea Snail

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Also known as the bubble raft snail, this snail stands out with its beautiful shell. Its shell consists of tints and tones of light and dark purple. These snails exist in various parts of the world, often in warm water bodies. They often move in large groups and reside at the water’s surface.

They are about 1.6 inches long. The violet sea snail eats various types of jellyfish. Early in their lives, they exist as males. As they grow, they transition into females.

11. Geography Cones

Geography cone or conus geographus is the most venomous snail and a part of the predatory snail species. It is the most deadly of the hundreds of cone snail species, with sizes ranging from 4 to 6 inches long. They have white and brown shells that many shell collectors appreciate.

Their venom contains different toxins that can immediately paralyze their fish prey. They are also quite dangerous to humans. According to National Geographic, there is no antivenin for cone snail stings. Caretakers often have to care for the victims till the venom wears off.


12. Mystery Snail

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Mystery snails are a collective of aquarium snails that many people often keep with their pet fish. These aquarium snails come in many forms and colors and often grow to about 3 inches.

They mainly eat decaying plants as opposed to some snails that eat healthy plants. Not only are they easy to care for, but they also help to keep fish tanks clean by clearing out algae. They also eat greens like kale and spinach. Within the mystery snail species, you’ll commonly find the gold Inca snail.

13. Rabbit Snail

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Rabbit snails are some of the most interesting freshwater snails that exist. Like mystery snails, they help to clean out tanks by feeding on algae. A common characteristic that rabbit snails have is their long shell.

You’ll find snails within his group with varying colors, from black to red. Similar to rabbits’ long ears, these snails have dropping antennae. They also have distinct long faces that separate them from the regular snail appearance. They grow to about 3 inches long.

14. Channeled Apple Snail

Also known as the golden apple snail, this snail has a bold yellow shell that makes it stand out. The golden apple snail is native to South America; however, you can also find it in various parts of the world. Since they feed on rice, especially in the Southeast part of Asia, many consider them pests. Golden apple snails are highly adaptable to their environment. They also reproduce easily.

Cute Snails with Beautiful Shells

Snails come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. In this section, before we get into the types of snails in each category, here you’ll discover some unique-looking, even cute snails with beautiful shells and colorful appearances.

15. Candy Cane Snail

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This cute snail has a beautiful white shell featuring stripes in the colors purple, orange, black, red, and yellow. It measures up to about 2.4 inches in length. The candy cane snail’s primary habitat is in trees on the islands of the Caribbean. This terrestrial snail heads down to the soil to lay eggs. Once the younglings hatch, they climb trees to reside there.

16. Sea Butterflies

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These animals primarily reside deep in the ocean. They have curled shells and flaps called parapodia that enable them to escape from predators quickly. Due to the way they swim, people identify them as flying snails.

17. Red Nerite Snail

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This freshwater snail resides in streams and mangrove forests in the Philippines. Nerite snails’ shells have unique zig-zag patterns of black, red, and yellow. They mainly feed on dead plants and algae.

5 Interesting Snail Facts

  • The mucus or slime trails that a snail leaves serve a purpose beyond looking icky. Snail mucus allows the animal to stick to surfaces while it moves. Beyond that, it also prevents abrasion and protects the skin from damage from the environment.
  • Many snails are hermaphrodites. As a result, they have both female and male reproductive organs.
  • Snails and slugs are extremely similar animals. They belong to the same phylum and class. The main noticeable difference between both animals is the presence of the snail shell on snails which slugs don't have.
  • Depending on what they require to survive, snails can possess either gills or lungs. Interestingly, some species possess both, which allows them to switch between land and water habitats.
  • Although we know our everyday garden snails to be harmless, some dangerous snails exist. Cone snails are venomous creatures that live in the Pacific and Indian oceans. These aquatic snails come in various sizes, sometimes getting up to 9 inches in length. Cone snail species are one of the most venomous creatures in the world.


Beyond the garden snails we often encounter, the world is home to thousands of snail species. In this article, we’ve highlighted some of the many types of snails - from large to small ones and land to aquatic ones.

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17 Different Types of Snails (15)

17 Different Types of Snails (2024)


17 Different Types of Snails? ›

Altogether there are estimated to be as many as 43.000 species of snails, which is about 78 percent of all molluscs that by no means only live on land. Snails with a recognisable spiral shell can also be found in rivers, ponds and other fresh water bodies.

How many types of snails exist? ›

Altogether there are estimated to be as many as 43.000 species of snails, which is about 78 percent of all molluscs that by no means only live on land. Snails with a recognisable spiral shell can also be found in rivers, ponds and other fresh water bodies.

What is the 7 classification of a snail? ›

Phylum Mollusca is a very diverse (85,000 species ) group of mostly marine species, with a dramatic variety of form. This phylum can be segregated into seven classes: Aplacophora, Monoplacophora, Polyplacophora, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Cephalopoda, and Scaphopoda.

How do I know what species my snail is? ›

Shell colour and pattern of the shell can help. However, this can be varied between individuals of the same species. Empty shells can also have a different appearance than those with the snail inside. Other useful features can include the direction and number of whorls, shell thickness, surface sheen and texture.

What is the most common snail? ›

Cornu aspersum, known by the common name garden snail, is a species of land snail. As such it is a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusc in the family Helicidae, which includes some of the most commonly familiar land snails. Of all terrestrial molluscs, this species may well be the most widely known.

What is a rare snail? ›

That's how we learned about Cerion nanus, the rarest snail in the world. That's a big claim for a little snail only about a centimeter long. Cerion is a common genus of air-breathing land snails in the West Indies and the Florida Keys.

What is a snail without a shell called? ›

Gastropods that naturally lack a shell, or have only an internal shell, are mostly called slugs, and land snails that have only a very small shell (that they cannot retract into) are often called semi-slugs.

Is a snail a bug? ›

Well, the short answer is no. They're members of the animal kingdom, like bugs. But they're in a different phylum altogether — the phylum Mollusca to be exact — unlike insects who are in the phylum Arthropoda.

What is a snail family called? ›

The Class Gastropoda (in Phylum Mollusca) includes the groups pertaining to snails and slugs. The majority of gastropods have a single, usually spirally, coiled shell into which the body can be withdrawn.

Is a snail slow or sloth? ›

What's slower — a snail or a sloth? Moving at "a snail's pace” is a common idiom for slow, lethargic movements but how slow are snails compared with sloths? According to World Atlas, sloths travel roughly 38 meters (41 yards) on average per day while snails move 45 meters (50 yards) per hour.

Does my snail recognize me? ›

It is unlikely that a snail will recognize its owners like some other pets would. This isn't to say it's impossible, but snails have bad eyesight.

What color are rare mystery snails? ›

The most highly sought-after is the magenta variety. Did you know? The Shrimp Farm ♥ mystery snails!

What snail has 14000 teeth? ›

A garden snail has about 14,000 teeth while other. species can have over 20,000.

What is the rarest snail in the world? ›

Cerion nanus
Conservation status
Critically Endangered (IUCN 2.3)
Scientific classification
9 more rows

What is the most aggressive snail? ›

Conus geographus, popularly called the geography cone or the geographer cone, is a species of predatory cone snail. It lives in reefs of the tropical Indo-Pacific, and hunts small fish. While all cone snails hunt and kill prey using venom, the venom of Conus geographus is potent enough to kill humans.

Can snails reproduce asexually? ›

In either case, most snails rely on sexual reproduction to generate offspring; i.e., sperm of one snail enters the body of another snail to fertilize its eggs. Some hermaphroditic snails, however, will reproduce asexually, meaning their own sperm fertilizes their own eggs.

Did snails go extinct? ›

Since then, half a dozen species of native snails have gone extinct. Brenden Holland, a biology professor at Hawaiʻi Pacific University, called it a graveyard, where "there are literally thousands and thousands of shells eroding."

How many genders do snails have? ›

Most land snails are hermaphrodites (both male and female within one individual). During mating, sperm enters the partner's copulation pouch, which is not a safe haven because digestive processes begin! The hormones help the sperm escape that pouch so they can find their way to the fertilization chamber.

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