1 | MCQ | Practice Sessions | AP World History (2024)


In this video, we’ll unpack sample multiple-choice questions.

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#AP #APDaily #APWorldHistory


Hey everybody Welcome to AP daily.

My name is Mason logo I'm coming to you from the Austin Texas area, flugerville, to be exact where I teach at flugerville High School, and today we're going to look at multiple choice, questions and basically answer: how do we answer them so before we start, let's kind of make sure we know the basics of the multiple choice section on the AP World History exam? First off, you got 55 questions, 55 minutes, I'm, no math, whiz, but I think that works out to one minute per question.

So keep that in mind when you think about your pacing during the test, if you've got 10 minutes left, but you still have 20 questions to answer.

You need to hurry it up on the flip side, if you've got 10 minutes left and you only have five questions, maybe you can slow it down a little bit or go back and look at your answers.

The other thing to remember is that every single question will have some kind of stimulus that goes with it, so it might be a primary source, a secondary source, a map, a chart, a graph, a picture, something, and you have three or four questions that go with that one stimulus.

So the good news is, you don't have to read a passage for every single question.

That'd be way too much all right.

This next point is really important.

Y'all, you don't have to get every single question right.

Some of you when you're taking a test in class you're used to getting 90 95 of your questions right.

You don't have to do that here and I.

Tell you that for two reasons one I don't want you freaking out in the middle of the test, because, let's be honest here, AP tests are tough, I'm, not gonna, lie and say they're easy.

We know they're tough tests and I've seen students get discouraged and they'll test before because they're thinking, oh no I've missed several.

You know, I'm gonna fail, don't worry about it.

Okay, get as many as you can right and the other reason why I tell you this is that eliminating answers is a pretty good strategy on the AP test.

If you can eliminate a couple of answers and leave yourself with a choice of two, that's okay, just think of it like this.

If you can walk away from the multiple choice section going, I know, I got half the questions right and on the other, half I took my best guess between two answers.

Well, you do the calculations.

That's going to be 75, you get right! That's really good score on the multiple choice, section you're doing well above average.

If you get that many correct, the other big thing always pay attention to the title of the stimulus and pay attention to the sourcing line and I know.

Your teacher has drilled that into your head, but I'm going to drill to your head.

One more time pay attention to the sourcing line on the stimulus all right, so I want to look at a couple of uh examples of multiple choice, questions and actually, if you look in the description of this video, there's a link to a PDF.

So you have a couple options here.

If you want, you can pause the video right now and go and work on the questions yourself or, if you just want me to give you the answers, I'm about to do that as well, but either way go ahead and open up that PDF now so that you can read along and look at the questions as we're going through.

So if you want go ahead and pause right now, I'll give you a second open up that PDF and then unpause all right.

Welcome back! So, let's see what we have here.

We've got a picture with a pretty long description about constellation.

We see it's a copy from 1430 by a 10th Century, Muslim scientist, all right I'm, going to file that away for later.

That seems like it might be kind of important all right.

So we know that it's from the 1430s we know in the Islamic world, so then I want to start kind of brainstorming.


What do I remember about this time, especially when it comes to science and math? Well, I.

Remember my teacher talking way back in the beginning of the school year, because this stuff is the stuff you covered back in the fall.

There were a lot of scientific and mathematical advancements in the Islamic World in this time and I.

Remember that a lot of them were based on ancient knowledge from Greece all right.

But how do those ideas spread to the to the Islamic world? Well, some of it going back to like ancient times and Alexander the Great, but from my 1200 to 1450 a lot of it's through trade, because we know that there's some major trade routes on the Indian Ocean and, of course, the Silk Road going through the Muslim world.

All right so just keep those things in the back of your mind, because they're going to help you later with these questions all right.

So, let's look at our first question: Muslim scientists and how they participated in intellectual and scholarly exchanges.

All right, like I, told y'all we're going to eliminate some answers because I think that's the best strategy here.

Even if you know the answer as soon as you see it, please make sure you're looking at all four answers, because a lot of times, there's gonna, be an answer that looks right, but it's not going to be the best one.

So if you eliminate answers, you can get to the best one, because it's going to force you to look at all for all right, I'm gonna get rid of a be the recipients of funding from foreign rulers.

Okay, we know that a lot of times rulers will be patrons of the Arts and of science, but not from foreign rulers.

That's not going to work! What else can we get rid of here? How about D, Superior scientific knowledge from Western Europe? Remember: Western, Europe, right now, in this time period, That's feudalism, there's not a lot of advancements in the sciences and math or in art coming from Western Europe.

In this time period, I'm gonna get rid of b as well.

It says serving strictly as copyists of earlier works.

Now remember.

The description of this picture did talk about how this was a copy, but that's not the only thing that was going on they weren't strictly as copyists, and so what we're left with is answer C expanding upon the legacy of earlier scientific works, but also conducting their own research.

That's how we get these advancements in math and science in the Islamic world, so while B seems like it could be, a answer sees a much better one, all right.

Let's talk about another one here, we've got incorporation from pre-islamic societies and that can be best used as evidence that all right, let's take a look at these four answers, I think we can get rid of B pretty much off the bat, European merchants and trade outposts again.

This is pre 1450.

We know that we really don't see a lot of long distance trade coming through Europe into Central Asia Also, let's get rid of C as well, because again we know that a lot of these advancements came from other cultures and were built upon in the Muslim world, so we're getting rid of C as well: hey, yeah, no educated, Muslims, weren't, really speaking European languages.

Because, again remember you know: there's not a huge European influence in that region prior to 1450., but here Muslim states and Empires are Central to the process of intellectual transfer Again by promoting trade across those States and Empires all right.

Let's do one more with this stimulus here.

All right.

Scholarly activities in the Muslim World continue despite the all right, so something bad must have happened.

That could have stopped scholarly activities, but did not so let's look at our answers here and I think we could get rid of B expansion of the Song Dynasty into Muslim Central Asia, because the Song Dynasty didn't expand into Central Asia.

Remember, if you think about where the Song Dynasty was it's mainly in, like the eastern part of what is today China all right.

Look at a because you see with a it says Crusaders, so you think, okay! Well, the Crusades were happening during this time, but notice that a says the conquest of Baghdad Baghdad was not taken over by European Crusaders.

So we can scratch that one out now look at C.

The Byzantine reconquest of Palestine Lebanon is not going to work either because these Crusaders usually weren't coming from the Byzantine Empire.

It was our reconquest there, so we're going to get rid of that one and we're left with our best answer the fragmentation of the ambassad caliphate.

Because again this is the time of the Mongols and the end of the abbasa caliphate.

But even despite that, we still see scholarly activities continuing in the Muslim world.

All right.

Speaking of the Mongols.

We've got another prompt here and take a look at the source, and if you want again, you might want to pause the video, so you can read over it, but when I see a long passage like this, the first thing I'm going to do is look at the sourcing line all right, so we have the king of Hungary all right.

So that tells us this is coming from a pretty important person.

He is the king he's writing to another very important person in the Pope and it's happening around 12 50.

So we know that in 1250 the pope is a big big deal in Europe and we know also.

This is the time of Mongol threats to Europe and to Asia.

Of course.

The other thing I like to do is do a very quick summary of each of the paragraphs.

I, don't need to read it real intently before I.

Look at the questions, but do a very quick summary just before you look so at least know where to look for answers and then, if you have to dig deeper into the source after you look at the questions, that's usually going to be a good idea, so real quick.

If I'm doing a very, very quick summary of this.

This first paragraph is hey.

We need help.

The Mongols are coming after us, the next paragraph, none of the Christians are helping.

No Christians in Europe are helping us out and then the third paragraph is okay, you're helping these people overseas.

But why are you not helping Christians in Europe when the Mongols are about to attack? Now, let's look at a question all right, this one's about features of Europe in the period from 1200 to 1450., and why is it that that hungary's not getting the military assistance that they requested all right? So just like last time, let's eliminate some answers.

We can get rid of parliaments that can check Royal Authority.

That's an issue well after 1450, not so much in this time period, all right, the Reformation, also after 1450.

So, by the way make sure that, as you're reviewing and as you're studying, yeah sort of a timeline of world history and major events, you don't necessarily need to know exact dates, but you do need to know General time frames of when things like the Reformation happen, all right.

The Hanseatic League, okay, yeah, that's starting to grow, but that really has nothing to do with this question at all.

But our answer a here, numerous feudal States, as we've already talked about conflict with one another, yeah they're not going to be sending military aid all right.

What about this? One, where it says the fourth paragraph So, by the way, if it does say in the third paragraph in the fourth paragraph, make sure you go back and read much more carefully that part of the source all right, but here we're talking about the papacy's failure to Aid the hungarians, while what else is happening all right.

So, let's find some bad answers here.

One I would get rid of missionaries to China.

That is something that's going to happen later, but again after 1450.

same thing, with Maritime exploration in the Indian Ocean.

Again, you need to know after 1450.

all right, so we've got two left here and both of these were happening in 1200 to 1450.

So this might be a situation where you're like well I've got it down to two decent answers.

Maybe I need to take my best guess or go back and look at that fourth paragraph, because it talks about overseas.

Well, the Iberian peninsula, where Spain and Portugal are today that wasn't overseas.

That's part of Europe, so we're left with here is talking about the Crusades in the Middle East, so pay special attention to you know those little phrases like that in the passage but like I said, even if you missed it, if you had to take a guess between B and C, that's not the end of the world, all right last one here! So it says all the statements are factually accurate, but again look at the third paragraph.

So go back and look at that more carefully if you need to.

But what was his reasoning for inviting the cumins into Hungary all right.

So why would he invite this particular group to help him fight the Mongols? All right, we gotta get rid of some answers here: okay, well, they had someone hungry and yes, they had been granted local autonomy, but does that really mean that he's now going to invite them to help with the Mongols? That's not really a reason for that: okay, their ethnic Turks, who spoke a language that was intelligible to the Mongols, but again, how is that necessarily going to help in fending off the Mongol invasion? All right, some slave soldiers have become rulers of parts of Egypt, but again how's that really going to help, but here with d well, these guys are nomadic Warriors, okay, they know how to fight the Mongols, who are also nomadic Warriors.

So this is a situation where, even if you didn't know anything about this group, that's fine.

You can still answer these questions by thinking about.

What's the most logical answer that could come from all right, so key takeaways from our work today, first off I know that you're gonna pay attention to the sourcing line.

I know your teachers kneel.

Then your brain and I'm going to do it as well pay attention to the sourcing line.

Make sure you read all four answers because again, there's gonna be an answer that looks right, but it's not the best answer always eliminate your bad answers.

Okay, if you can get rid of a couple- and you have to take your best guess- it's totally fine, but my biggest piece of advice to you in the multiple choice section or anywhere else in the AP test.

Don't freak out! Okay, you've been working hard all year, long trust your process, you're gonna, do great, but just make sure, even when you're feeling down during the AP test and you're going to feel down at some point, you fight through it and you keep working all right.

Thank you all.

So much for watching.

1 | MCQ | Practice Sessions | AP World History (2024)


What is the average AP World History score? ›

The average AP World History exam score in 2022 is 2.96, an increase from 2.71 in 2021.

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Because of the emphasis placed on details in US History, most people would say that AP US History (or APUSH) is harder than AP World History, but in reality, it depends on your skillset. They're just different.

How many credits is AP World History worth? ›

College Credits: Many colleges will give you college credit for AP World History with a score of 3 or higher. This means you have to take fewer courses in college. Passing the AP World History exam can earn you up to six hours of college credit (instead of three hours for other AP courses).

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AP World History Exam Overview

The AP World History: Modern exam takes 3 hours and 15 minutes to complete and is composed of: a multiple-choice, short answer, and free response section.

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Physics 1

This class combines physics, scientific inquiry, and algebra. AP Physics 1 is considered one of the hardest AP classes, covering topics like Newtonian mechanics and electrical charge and force. Students also spend about 25% of their class time performing college-level lab experiments and writing reports.

What is the fail rate for AP World History? ›

World History:

AP World History is the 10th hardest AP class with the least passing rate of 60.2%.

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At many high schools, AP Physics is notorious for its difficulty level. In addition, it has the lowest overall pass rate of any AP exam.

Is it OK not to take AP World History? ›

Even for students who do not take the AP exam or earn a passing score, the class builds valuable academic skills. Learners analyze documents, craft evidence-based arguments, and strengthen their reasoning and analytical abilities. That makes AP World History worth it for any student.

How much does AP World History boost your GPA? ›

GPA Weight

At many high schools, honors and AP classes both offer more heavily weighted training compared to regular classes. While honors courses usually add 0.5 points to your GPA, AP classes often add 1 point. In other words, a 3.5 GPA would be boosted to a 4.0 in an honors class and a 4.5 in an AP class.

Is AP World History as a freshman hard? ›

AP World History is considered quite hard, with class alumnae rating it 6.1/10 for overall difficulty (the 10th-most-difficult out of the 28 large AP classes surveyed). The pass rate is about average vs other AP classes, with 62% graduating with a 3 or higher.

What colleges don't accept AP credits? ›

Nine schools give students no credit for AP work. These institutions include some of the top schools in the country: Dartmouth University, Brown University, the California Institute of Technology, Williams College, and Amherst College. 2. Restrict the number of AP subject areas that are eligible for course credit.

What happens if you fail AP World History class? ›

If you fail an AP class, then your GPA will likely drop as it would for a normal class. This grade also shows up on your transcript. However, you may be able to retake the class the following year to raise your grade and increase your GPA.

How hard is it to get a 5 on AP World History? ›

The AP World History test is challenging—just 13.2% of test takers got a 5 in 2021. But if you study correctly throughout the year, you could be one of the few students who aces this test. Below are six tips to follow in order to be well prepared for the AP World History exam.

What is a good AP history score? ›

The College Board denotes a 3 as 'qualified, 4 as 'well qualified,' and a 5 as 'extremely well qualified. ' Many colleges and universities will offer you college credits for scoring in these ranges.

How rare is 5 on AP World History? ›

In the future, test scores may increase as a result of the modifications. Fewer than 10% of test-takers receive a perfect score on the AP World History Exam. Compared to other AP classes, only half as many test-takers score a 5.

What score is a 5 on AP World History? ›

What percent is a 5 on AP World History? Based on the 2022 AP score distributions, only 13.2% of students received a 5. Alternatively, you would need to have earned 74.6% of the total available composite points on the APWH exam to score a 5.

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